
Role: Design Director

Client: Ulteig

Agency: Beehive Strategic Communication

Energizing employees around a new purpose, vision, and values

Ulteig has been a trusted engineering partner for more than 75 years. To support a growing team, rising expectations and its next strategic plan, the organization partnered with Beehive to evolve its purpose, vision and values. As an employee-owned company, Ulteig knew that getting their team on board was critical to delivering on their new direction and achieving their growth goals.


    • Theme illustration
    • Custom icons for the bold steps and values
    • Video introducing the new purpose, vision, and values
    • PowerPoint template
    • Deck presentation
    • Intranet and website graphics
    • Computer desktop screen
    • Physical and digital signage
    • Video call background

*Select works are shown in concept form for confidentiality.


  • Successful launch of purpose, vision, values and strategic plan​
    • 96% of employee survey respondents agreed they understood how the new purpose, values and vision act as a roadmap to bring Ulteig into the future​
    • 86% of employees reported feeling inspired by the new purpose​
  • Comprehensive integration across communication channels and touchpoints including intranet, physical and digital signage, recognition program, PowerPoint templates, and website

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