Agency: Beehive Strategic Communication

Digital Partner: Lake One

Design and Digital Content Strategy

Beehive Strategic Communication partnered with Lake One, a Minnesota-based digital marketing agency, to develop and implement its digital marketing strategy targeting C-Suite personas.

Increase traffic to the website and highlight Beehive Strategic Communication services through SEO.

Using a topic cluster model, where a single “pillar” page acts as the main hub of content for a overarching topic and multiple. This linking action signals to search engines that the pillar page is an authority on the topic, and over time, the page may rank higher and higher for the topic it covers.


    • E-guides
    • Lead magnets
    • Social media graphics
    • SEO optimized website pillar pages, blogs, and landing pages
    • Call-to-action (CTA) graphics and HubSpot integration
    • Email designs
    • Social media graphics

Choosing a service topic to focus on and built out cluster content blogs, designed lead magnets, email nurturing templates and social media graphics. Website improvements were developed by adding a tag feature, automated crossing linking to related content, site search function and optimizing SEO in content improved website visits and  the reduced bounce rates.


    • Improved Beehive’s overall digital presence and search performance, ranking for 2,000+ new keywords and increasing organic traffic year-over-year by 212%
    • Attracted the right decision-makers more frequently, increasing annual net new leads by 40% and improving win rate by 28%
    • Equipped Beehive’s business development team with high-quality content and a robust technology platform for more targeted, personalized and effective prospecting

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